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Ready-to-use 2% Agarose Gels (Eco-Green Staining)

Ref: TAE17

Precast gels can be your most convenient, fastest and easiest option to optimize your electrophoresis processes. These gels are prepared in TAE buffer and offer you robustness and replicability without costing you more.

Ready-to-use 2% Agarose Gels (Eco-Green Staining)

SKU Pcto-0086 Categories , ,

TAE precast agarose gel, 2%, 17-well, Eco-Green stained, 20 gels per box: Eco-Green is a safe nucleic acid stain for the detection of double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA and RNA on agarose gels.

This dye replaces ethidium bromide (toxic, potential mutagen) for visualization of DNA or RNA on agarose gel. Eco-Green is neither carcinogenic nor cytotoxic. Eco-Green is as sensitive as ethidium bromide and is used in the same way as ethidium bromide in agarose gel electrophoresis. Best results are obtained by using an optional fluorescence filter. Eco-Green emits green fluorescence when bound to dsDNA, ssDNA and RNA.


data sheet


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