Our Vision is to support the scientific and research development of GENTECH Biosciences, allowing it to promote the development of the region and the country through a continuous adaptation to the environment and the achievement of high quality standards in its substantive functions.
Our Challenges
1 Positioning of the research group GENTECH Biosciences and the Center for Development and Innovation Applied BioCenter, as a leading group and reference center in the management and execution of research in alliance with private enterprise, academia and the different productive sectors, for the development of services, processes and products in compliance with the GENTECH Biosciences 2019-2036 vision.
2 Increase the supply of products and services in the regional, national and international market and be leaders in the development and assessment of specific diagnostic tests.
3 Achieve national and international funding for research projects led by the GENTECH Biosciences Research Group, in coherent topics between academia and the productive sectors.
4 Increase in the supply of researchers trained in the region with high capacity for management, innovation and problem solving in the bioprospecting and state-of-the-art diagnostics sectors.
Our Objectives
1 Incorporate state-of-the-art methodologies in the areas of compound characterization and titration, molecular diagnostics and product and service development, as a strategy to strengthen the technical-business capabilities of GENTECH Biosciences and the scientific capabilities of companies and allied sectors, universities and Technology Development Centers (TDCs) in the region and the country.
2 Integrate GENTECH Biosciences with different regional partners, around topics of joint interest, for transdisciplinary research in the lines of microbiological and molecular diagnostics, development of compounds of importance in the areas of medicine, cosmetics and industry.
3 Make strategic alliances between the GENTECH Biosciences research group and the health, pharmaceutical, industrial, agricultural and environmental sectors, to generate solutions and direct applications from microbiological and molecular diagnostics, and the commercial application of state-of-the-art technologies, to meet the demands of the different sectors and meet other requirements that can be addressed through basic and applied research with a direct translation into the development of services, processes and products.
We incorporate state-of-the-art methodologies in the areas of characterization and valuation of compounds, molecular diagnostics for the development of products and services, as a strategy to strengthen the technical-scientific capabilities of the research group and increase the scientific capabilities of companies and allied sectors, universities and Technology Development Centers (TDCs) in the region and the country.
- Rapid, high-precision molecular diagnostics, with the development of reference tests for pathogens of major relevance in the different sectors of interest (human health, animal health and agro-industrial sector).
- Basic research in oncology and autoimmune diseases in humans
- Research and development in nanotechnology applied to human health, biotechnology and bioremediation.
- Biotechnology and plant health
- Bio-prospecting of compounds of medicinal and cosmetic importance.
- Foodborne disease (FBD) and food safety
We incorporate state-of-the-art methodologies in the areas of characterization and valuation of compounds, molecular diagnostics for the development of products and services, as a strategy to strengthen the technical-scientific capabilities of the research group and increase the scientific capabilities of companies and allied sectors, universities and Technology Development Centers (TDCs) of the Region and the Country.
We incorporate state-of-the-art methodologies in the areas of characterization and valuation of compounds, molecular diagnostics for the development of products and services, as a strategy to strengthen the technical-scientific capabilities of the research group and increase the scientific capabilities of companies and allied sectors, universities and Technology Development Centers (TDCs) of the Region and the Country.
Gaining national recognition and forging international strategic alliances will be our goals. These goals allow us to certify and guarantee its services and products under national and international standards, expanding the company’s potential market and generating greater strength for the region in its capacity to enter world markets and export its products and services.
Achieve category A in the classification of the research group by Colciencias and the recognition of the Applied BioCenter Development and Innovation Center as a management unit and CDT of reference.
RDi Leader

James Betancur
Director RDi
Contact the area in charge
- rdi@gentechbio.com
- laboratorio@gentechbio.com
- +57 4 443885
- +57 (317) 365-1961