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The ExcelBand™ 1 KB (0.25-10 kb) DNA Ladder Kit is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye to serve directly on the gel.

The AccuBand™ 100 bp DNA Marker II kit is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye for direct gel loading.

AccuBand™ 100 bp+3K DNA Ladder II is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye for direct loading of polyacrylamide or agarose gels.

AccuBand ™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye for direct gel loading.

The DM2300 ExcelBand™ 100 bp+3K DNA Ladder kit is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye for direct gel loading.

The DM5100 ExcelBand ™ Super Range DNA Ladder DM5100 is a ready-to-use DNA ladder that is premixed with loading dye for direct gel loading.

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