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PathoSEEK USP Starter Pack (200 samples)

The USP starter kit includes all the reagents a testing laboratory needs to test cannabis samples for the microbial targets recommended by the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Some states reference the IP, but include additional targets or omit one of the following, but we determined this list to be the most complete IP reference.

PathoSEEK USP Starter Pack (200 samples)

SKU Pcto-0150 Categories ,

This package includes the quantities necessary to process your first 200 samples with the following components:

SenSATIVAx Flower / Leaf DNA Extraction Kit
SenSATIVAx MIP / Extract DNA Extraction Kit
Positive control SCCG
Triptych soy broth (starter kit includes 2 bottles)
qPCR Master Kit (200 rxns) (Starter kit includes 5 kits)
Total yeast and mold detection assay and control (200 rxns)
Total aerobic count screening assay and control (200 rxns)
Salmonella and E. coli multiplex detection assay and control (200 rxns)
Bile-tolerant Gram-negative assay (200 rxns)
Total control of enterobacteria (200 rxns)
Staphylococcus and pseudomonas multiplex screening assay and control (200 rxns)
Magnetic plate.

All Medicinal Genomics reagents are manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility. All reagent lots are functionally tested in-house and certificates of analysis (COA) are available upon request.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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