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ExcelTaq ™ 5X PCR Master Dye Mix is a ready-to-use mix for amplifying selected DNA fragments. It is designed to serve as a ready-to-use master mix for virtually all PCR applications.

ExcelTaq™ 5X / 2X PCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use mix for amplifying selected DNA fragments. It is designed to serve as a master mix for virtually all PCR applications.

ExcelTaq ™ Taq DNA polymerase is a recombinant thermostable Taq DNA polymerase expressed and purified from an E. coli strain carrying the cloned gene.

ExcelTaq ™ 5X Fluorescent PCR Master Mix is a ready-to-use mix for amplifying specific DNA fragments. It is designed to serve as a master mix for virtually all PCR applications.

DNA polymerase G-HiFi ™ is a novel genetically modified recombinant DNA polymerase suitable for GC-rich sequences that are difficult to amplify.

ExcelTaq ™ Taq DNA polymerase is a recombinant
Thermostable Taq DNA polymerase expressed and
purified from an E. colistrain carrying the cloned gene.
With a high DNA synthesis rate and high thermostability, ExcelTaq ™ Taq DNA polymerase is suitable for
for common and specialized PCR applications.

ExcelTaq ™ Taq DNA polymerase is a recombinant
Thermostable Taq DNA polymerase expressed and
purified from an E. colistrain carrying the cloned gene.
With a high DNA synthesis rate and high thermostability, ExcelTaq ™ Taq DNA polymerase is suitable for
for common and specialized PCR applications.

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