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Plant Total RNA Purification Kit (BS82314-50PREPS)

The EZ Spin Column Plant Total RNA Purification Kit is applicable to all types of plant samples for fast, economical and reliable extraction of high quality RNA.

Plant Total RNA Purification Kit (BS82314-50PREPS)

Polysaccharides and polyphenols are plant components that are difficult to remove after forming insoluble compounds by combining closely with RNA. The EZ Spin Column Total Plant RNA Purification Kit is applicable to all types of plant samples for rapid RNA extraction. Lysis fluid can effectively solve difficult problems, such as easy oxidation of polyphenols, separation of polysaccharides and nucleic acid compounds. RNA purification using spin columns is easy to operate and avoids rinsing with ethanol. The purified RNA is ready for most downstream applications, such as RT-PCR, Northern Blotting, poly A+ purification, nuclease protection and in vitro translation.

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