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PathoSEEK® RT-qPCR Master Kit (200 rxns)

Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR or RT-qPCR) is a powerful tool for the analysis of gene expression and detection of viruses whose genetic material is ribonucleotidic in nature. Brilliant II QRT-PCR, AffinityScript Two-Step Master Mix provides an optimized system for one-step QRT-PCR applications. A two-step RT-PCR format is useful for amplifying multiple targets from a single cDNA source.

PathoSEEK® RT-qPCR Master Kit (200 rxns)

The PathoSEEK® RT-qPCR master kit is used in combination with PathoSEEK® multiplex virus detection assays. It is a simple two-step protocol, flexible and compatible with automation. The RT-qPCR master kit includes the following items:

RT-qPCR master mix

RNAase blocker


Nuclease-free water

All Medicinal Genomics reagents are manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility. All reagent lots are functionally tested in-house and certificates of analysis (COA) are available upon request. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

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