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PathoSEEK California Starter Pack (200 samples)

The California starter kit includes all the reagents a testing laboratory needs to test cannabis samples for the microbial targets required by regulators in Alaska and California.

PathoSEEK California Starter Pack (200 samples)

SKU Pcto-0149 Categories ,

This package includes the quantities of each component necessary to process your first 200 samples.

SenSATIVAx Flower / Leaf DNA Extraction Kit
SenSATIVAx MIP / Extract DNA Extraction Kit (for 1 gram sample)
Positive control SCCG
Tryptic soy broth (for 1 gram sampling)
qPCR Master mix kit
Salmonella and STEC E. coli assay and detection control.
Aspergillus 5-color multiplex detection assay and control for Agilent AriaMx (Biorad 5-color assay also available)
Magnetic plate for extraction protocol
All Medicinal Genomics reagents are manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility. All reagent lots are functionally tested in-house and certificates of analysis (COA) are available upon request.

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