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Multi Workstation Beauty Cell (NB803MS – NB803MSF)

Beauty Cell is an all-in-one workstation that combines a sterile cabinet, a centrifuge and a shaking incubator. Its integrated design provides an aseptic environment and minimizes the risk of contamination in biological applications.

Multi Workstation Beauty Cell (NB803MS – NB803MSF)

Beauty Cell is a versatile workstation that combines the functions of a sterile cabinet, a centrifuge and a shaking incubator in a single workstation. Its integrated design allows the centrifuge and shaking incubator to operate inside the cabinet, providing optimal aseptic conditions by circulating air through a HEPA filter. This minimizes the risk of contamination during stem cell isolation or any other biological application requiring a centrifuge and shaking incubator. Thanks to its all-in-one design, Beauty Cell is an efficient solution to perform multiple tasks in one place.

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