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Clinical centrifuge (DM0506)

The DM0506 DLAB 6-position clinical centrifuge allows blood and urine centrifugation in tubes from 5 to 15 mL. With a simple programming through its LCD screen and an attractive and compact design, it allows to conserve valuable space in the laboratory, in addition to being resistant, robust and having suction cups on its base, it allows great stability during its operation.

Clinical centrifuge (DM0506)

The DM0506 is surprisingly quiet, making for a much quieter lab environment. The DM0506 centrifuge is a smart choice for any clinical laboratory or laboratory in general.

Main characteristics

– Speed range 300-5000 rpm.

– Storage capacity of 2 programs for routine applications.

– Automatic internal diagnostics.

– Maintenance-free brushless DC motor.

Technical Data



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