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Biospin FFPE Tissue RNA Extraction Kit-50T-PCR/RT-PCR(BSC66S1)

This kit is used to extract high purity RNA from FFPE tissue sections, the purified RNA is ready for downstream applications such as real-time PCR.

Biospin FFPE Tissue RNA Extraction Kit-50T-PCR/RT-PCR(BSC66S1)

This kit is used to extract high purity RNA from FFPE tissue sections, with a non-toxic deparaffinization solution and a high performance lysis buffer (Lysis II) to efficiently release RNA from FFPE. RNA efficiently binds to our centrifugation matrix, while proteins and other impurities are removed by washing buffer. Nucleic acids are easily eluted with sterile RNase-free water or RElution buffer. The purified RNA is ready for downstream applications such as real-time PCR.

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